CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
set support-assist-info on page 153
show support-assist on page 245
copy volume
Copies all data in a specified source volume to a destination volume.
The source volume can be a virtual base volume or a virtual snapshot. The destination volume will be
completely independent of the source volume and will have a different serial number. The destination
volume will be created with the default attributes of a standard volume and will not inherit settings,
such as snapshot-retention settings, from the source volume,
You can use this command to:
Copy a base volume to a new base volume.
Promote a snapshot to a base volume to make the snapshot independent of its parent volume.
Copy a volume from one pool to another.
Reasons to promote a snapshot include:
You want to delete the snapshot's base volume without losing the data in the snapshot.
You want to set a different tier preference for a snapshot than for its parent (or for another
snapshot in the same tree).
You don't want the volume's unique data to be counted against overall pool snapshot space
(because it might cause deletion of other snapshots).
The volume's snapshot tree is full and no more snapshots can be taken, but you don't want to
delete any snapshots. Instead, you can promote them.
The volume's purpose has changed and is no longer considered a subordinate volume.
You want to balance usage between the two pools, by copying a volume from one pool to the
other and then deleting the volume from the source pool.
To ensure the data integrity of the destination volume, unmount and unmap the source volume from
host access before starting the copy operation. When the copy operation is complete, mount the
destination volume and test to ensure that it is functional. Then you may remount the source volume
or if it's no longer needed, delete it.
To see the progress of a volume copy operation, use the show volume-copies command.
During a copy operation:
Progress will be periodically logged to allow it to resume if it is interrupted by controller failover or
The source volume and destination volume cannot be deleted.
If the source volume or the destination volume fails, the copy operation will fail and be
automatically canceled, the destination volume will be automatically deleted, and event 267 will
be logged with Error severity.
If the destination pool runs out of space, or the destination volume was not created due to a
shortage of physical storage in a non-thin-provisioned system, the copy operation will fail and be
automatically canceled, the destination volume will be automatically deleted, and event 267 will be
logged with Error severity.
Minimum role
copy volume
[destination-pool destination-pool-ID]
name destination-volume-name
destination-pool destination-pool-ID
Optional. The name or serial number of the virtual pool in which to create the destination volume.
This must be the pool that contains the source volume, and can be either pool in the system. If this
parameter is omitted, the destination volume will be created in the same pool as the source volume.
name destination-volume-name
44 Alphabetical list of commands