CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
A name for the volume to create in the destination pool. Input rules:
The value is case sensitive.
The value can have a maximum of 32 bytes.
The value can include spaces and printable UTF-8 characters except: " , < \
A value that includes a space must be enclosed in double quotes.
The name or serial number of the source volume to copy. A name that includes a space must be
enclosed in double quotes.
Examples Copy volume SourceVol in pool A to new volume DestVol in pool B.
copy volume SourceVol destination-pool B name DestVol
See also abort copy
show pools
show volume-copies
show volumes
create certificate
Creates or removes a custom security certificate.
The storage system supports use of unique certificates for secure data communications, to
authenticate that the expected storage systems are being managed. Use of authentication
certificates applies to the HTTPS protocol, which is used by the web server in each controller
module. The PowerVault Manager and SMI-S interfaces use the same certificate.
After using this command you must restart each Management Controller to which the change is
applied to have the change take effect
Minimum role manage
create certificate
[contents content-string]
Optional. Specifies whether to apply the change to controller A, B, or both. If this parameter is
omitted, the change is applied to the controller being accessed.
contents content-string
Optional. A security certificate is generated based on the supplied content. The content becomes
the subject of the certificate creation request and must be formatted as /type0=value0/
type1=value1/type2=..., where types include C for country, ST for state or province, L
for location, CN for common name, and O for organization. Invalid types will be omitted from
the content string. The content string cannot exceed 1024 characters and can include printable
UTF-8 characters except space or semicolon. An example is /C=US/ST=CO/O=MyOrganization/ You must specify either this parameter or the restore parameter or the
unique parameter.
Optional. Suppresses confirmation prompts. Specifying this parameter allows the command to
proceed without user interaction.
Alphabetical list of commands 45