CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Optional. The system-generated certificate is restored and the custom certificate is discarded. The
custom certificate may have been created with this CLI command or uploaded using SFTP or FTP.
You must specify either this parameter or the contents parameter or the unique parameter.
Optional. A security certificate is generated based on the system's serial number and other standard
values. This certificate is installed, and the original certificate is archived. You must specify either this
parameter or the contents parameter or the restore parameter.
Examples Regenerate the system certificate with a new private key.
# create certificate unique
Create a custom certificate using a content string.
# create certificate contents /C=US/ST=CO/L=NewYork/O=MyCompany/
Restore the system-generated certificate and remove the custom certificate.
# create certificate restore
See also
restart mc
restart sc
show certificate
create chap-record
Creates a CHAP record to authenticate iSCSI login requests.
When CHAP is enabled, the record enables authentication between the originator (initiator) and
recipient (target) of a login request. This command is permitted whether or not CHAP is enabled.
NOTE: For information about setting up CHAP for use in a peer connection, see the topic
about creating a peer connection in the Dell EMC PowerVault ME4 Series Storage System
Administrator's Guide.
The CHAP record can specify one name-secret pair to authenticate the originator only (one-way
CHAP) or two pairs to authenticate both the originator and the recipient (mutual CHAP).
For a login request from an initiator to a storage system, the initiator is the originator and the storage
system is the recipient. Because CHAP works during login, to make CHAP changes take effect you
must reset any active iSCSI host links.
In a peer connection, a storage system can act as the originator or recipient of a login request. As
the originator, with a valid CHAP record it can authenticate CHAP even if CHAP is disabled. This is
possible because the system will supply the CHAP secret requested by its peer and the connection
will be allowed.
Minimum role manage
create chap-record
name originator-name
secret originator-secret
[mutual-name recipient-name mutual-secret recipient-secret]
name originator-name
The originator name, typically in IQN format. The name is case sensitive and can have a maximum of
223 bytes, including 09, lowercase az, hyphen, colon, and period
secret originator-secret
46 Alphabetical list of commands