CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
# create peer-connection remote-port-address remote-
username John remote-password P@ssw0rd Peer1
On a storage system that will replicate using FC to a second system, create peer connection Peer2
to remote port address 247000c0ff1a45b8, using the credentials of remote user Admin1.
# create peer-connection remote-port-address 247000c0ff1a45b8 remote-
username Admin1 Peer2 Enter remote password: *******
Re-enter remote password: *******
See also
delete peer-connection
query peer-connection
set peer-connection
show peer-connections
create replication-set
Creates a replication set for a specified volume or volume group. This command is not applicable
to a system with SAS controller modules. Linear replication sets and virtual peer connections and
replication sets cannot exist on a system simultaneously.
For the maximum number of replication sets that can be created, see the System configuration
limits topic in the PowerVault Manager help.
This command designates the specified source volume or volume group as the primary volume or
volume group. This command also creates the secondary volume or volume group, and creates the
internal snapshots that are required to support replications.
A replication set for a volume consumes two internal snapshots each for the primary volume and
the secondary volume if the queue policy is set to discard, or three each if the queue policy is
set to queue-latest.
A replication set for a volume group consumes two internal volume groups if the queue policy
is set to discard, or three if the queue policy is set to queue-latest. Each internal volume
group contains a number of volumes equal to the number of volumes in the base volume group.
Internal snapshots and internal volume groups count against system limits, but do not display.
A peer connection must already be defined to create and use a replication set.
The command fails if the secondary volume names exist, or if the local system cannot reach the
remote system.
Secondary volumes cannot be mapped, moved, expanded, deleted, or participate in a rollback
operation. Create a snapshot of the secondary volume, and use the snapshot for mapping and
accessing data.
A volume or volume group can belong to only one replication set. If the volume group is already in
a replication set, individual volumes may not be included in separate replication sets. The maximum
number of individual volumes that can be replicated is 32. If a volume group is being replicated, the
maximum number of volumes that can exist in the group is 16.
A replication set can be configured to maintain a replication snapshot history. As part of handling
a replication, the replication set will automatically take a snapshot of the primary and/or secondary
volumes, thereby creating a history of data that has been replicated over time. This feature can be
enabled for a secondary volume or for a primary volume and its secondary volume, but not for a
volume group. When this feature is enabled:
For a primary volume, when a replication starts it creates a snapshot of the data image being
For a secondary volume, when a replication successfully completes it creates a snapshot of the
data image that is just transferred to the secondary volume. (This is in contrast to the primary
volume snapshot, which is created before the sync.) If replication does not complete, a snapshot
is not created.
Alphabetical list of commands