CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Optional. Sets the number of decimal places (110) for display of storage-space sizes.
privacy-password encryption-password
Optional. For an SNMPv3 user whose privacy-type parameter is set to use encryption, this
specifies the encryption password. Input rules:
The value is case-sensitive.
The value can have 8 to 32 characters.
The value can include spaces and printable UTF-8 characters except: " , . < \
A value that includes only printable ASCII characters must include at least one uppercase
character, one lowercase character, one numeric character, and one non-alphanumeric character.
privacy-type DES|AES|none
Optional. For an SNMPv3 user, this specifies whether to use a security encryption protocol.
This parameter requires the privacy-password parameter and the authentication-type
DES: Data Encryption Standard.
AES: Advanced Encryption Standard.
none: No encryption. This is the default.
roles roles
Optional. Specifies the user roles as one or more of the following values:
monitor: User can view but not change system settings. This is the default.
manage: User can view and change system settings.
diagnostic: User can view and change system settings.
Multiple values must be separated with a comma (with no spaces). If multiple values are specified,
the access to commands is determined by the highest role specified.
storage-size-base 2|10
Optional. Alias for base.
storage-size-precision #
Optional. Alias for precision
storage-size-units auto|MB|GB|TB
Optional. Alias for units.
temperature-scale celsius|c|fahrenheit|f
Optional. Sets the scale for display of temperature values:
fahrenheit or f: Temperatures are shown in degrees Fahrenheit.
celsius or c: Temperatures are shown in degrees Celsius. This is the default.
timeout #
Optional. Sets the timeout value in seconds for the login session. Valid values are 120 to 43200
seconds (2720 minutes). The default is 1800 seconds (30 minutes).
trap-host address
Optional. For an SNMPv3 user whose interface parameter is set to snmptarget, this specifies
the network address of the host that receives SNMP traps. The value can be an IPv4 address, IPv6
address, or FQDN.
type novice|standard|advanced|diagnostic
Optional. Identifies the user experience level. This parameter is informational only and does not affect
access to commands. The default is standard.
units auto|MB|GB|TB
Optional. Sets the unit for display of storage-space sizes.
auto: Sizes are shown in units that are determined by the system. This is the default.
MB: Sizes are shown in MB.
GB: Sizes are shown in GB.
Alphabetical list of commands