CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
[assigned-to a|b|auto]
[chunk-size 64k|128k|256k|512k]
disks disks
level nraid|raid0|r0|raid1|r1|raid3|r3|raid5|r5|raid6|r6|raid10|r10
[mode online|offline] [spare disks]
assigned-to a|b|auto
Optional. For a system operating in Active-Active ULP mode, this specifies the controller to own the
disk group. To let the system automatically load-balance vdisks between controllers, use auto or
omit this parameter. In Single Controller mode, this parameter is ignored; the system automatically
load-balances vdisks in anticipation of the insertion of a second controller in the future
chunk-size 64k|128k|256k|512k
Optional. The amount of contiguous data, in KB, that is written to a disk group member before
moving to the next member of the disk group. For RAID 50, this option sets the chunk size of each
RAID-5 subgroup. The chunk size of the RAID-50 disk group is calculated as: configured-chunk-sizex
(subgroup-members- 1). For NRAID and RAID 1, chunk-size has no meaning and is therefore not
applicable. The default size is 512k.
disks disks
The IDs of the disks to include in the disk group. RAID 10 requires a minimum of two RAID-1
subgroups each having two disks. RAID 50 requires a minimum of two RAID-5 subgroups each having
three disks. For disk syntax, see Command syntax on page 17.
level nraid|raid0|r0|raid1|r1|raid3|r3|raid5|r5|raid6|r6|raid10|r10 |
raid50|r50Specifies the RAID level.
mode online|offline
Optional. Specifies whether the disk group is initialized online or offline.
online: Enables you to use the disk group immediately after creating it while it is initializing.
Because online uses the verify method to create the disk group, it takes longer to complete
initializing than offline. Online initialization is fault-tolerant. This option is the default.
offline: You must wait for the disk group initialization process to finish before using the disk
group. However, offline takes less time to complete initializing than online
spare disks
Optional. The IDs of 14 dedicated spares to assign to a RAID 1, 3, 5, 6, 10, or 50 disk group. For disk
syntax, see Command syntax on page 17.
A name for the new disk group. Input rules:
The value is case sensitive.
The value can have a maximum of 32 bytes.
The value can include spaces and printable UTF-8 characters except: " , . < \
A value that includes a space must be enclosed in double quotes.
Create a RAID-1 linear disk group named VD1 using two disks.
# create vdisk level raid1 disks 0.1,0.3 VD1
Create a RAID-50 linear disk group named VD2 having three RAID-5 subgroups, each having three
# create vdisk level r50 disks 0.1-3:0.4-6:0.7-9 VD2
Create a RAID-6 linear disk group named vdR6 using four disks.
# create vdisk level r6 disks 2.3-4,2.8-9 vdR6
See also
delete vdisks on page 75
Alphabetical list of commands 61