CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
unmap volume
delete all-snapshots
Deletes all snapshots associated with a specified source volume. This command applies to virtual
storage only.
The source volume can be a base volume or a snapshot.
All data associated with the snapshots is deleted and their space in the snap pool is freed for use. The
snapshot schedules and tasks are also deleted.
CAUTION: When the snapshots are deleted, all data in those snapshots will be lost.
This command has a confirmation prompt in interactive console mode.
Minimum role manage
delete all-snapshots
volume volume
volume volume
The name or serial number of the source volume. A name that includes a space must be enclosed in
double quotes.
Examples Delete all snapshots associated with volume MV1.
# delete all-snapshots volume MV1
See also
show snapshots on page 243
show volumes on page 270
delete chap-records
Deletes a specified CHAP record or all CHAP records. This command is permitted whether or not
CHAP is enabled.
For a login request from an initiator to a storage system, the initiator is the originator and the storage
system is the recipient. Because CHAP works during login, to make CHAP changes take effect you
must reset any active iSCSI host links.
In a peer connection, a storage system can act as the originator or recipient of a login request. As
the originator, with a valid CHAP record it can authenticate CHAP even if CHAP is disabled. This is
possible because the system will supply the CHAP secret requested by its peer and the connection
will be allowed.
NOTE: Deleting CHAP records may make volumes inaccessible and the data in those volumes
Minimum role manage
To delete the CHAP record for a specific originator:
delete chap-records
name originator-name
To delete all CHAP records:
delete chap-records
68 Alphabetical list of commands