CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
[prompt yes|no]
Optional. For scripting, this specifies an automatic reply to confirmation prompts:
yes: Allow the command to proceed.
no: Cancel the command.
If this parameter is omitted, you must manually reply to prompts.
A comma-separated list of the names or serial numbers of the pools to delete. For a linear pool, a
name that includes a space must be enclosed in double quotes.
Examples Delete virtual pool A.
# delete pools A
Delete linear pool dg1.
# delete pools dg1
See also
delete vdisks
remove disk-groups
show pools
show vdisks
delete remote-system
Deletes the persistent association with a remote system. This command applies to linear storage only.
NOTE: Remote-system connections for linear replication are not supported for virtual replication.
Instead you must create peer connections.
Minimum role manage
delete remote-system
The name or network-port IP address of the remote system. A name that includes a space must be
enclosed in double quotes. The value can be an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or FQDN.
Examples Delete remote system System2.
# delete remote-system System2
See also show remote-systems
delete replication-set
Deletes a replication set. This command applies to virtual storage only.
You can run this command on the replication sets primary or secondary system.
When you delete a virtual replication set, the internal snapshots created by the system are also
deleted. However, no user data is deleted. The primary and secondary volumes can be used like any
other base volumes.
You cannot delete a virtual replication set if it has a replication in progress. If you want to delete a
replication set that has a replication in progress, you must first suspend and then abort replication for
72 Alphabetical list of commands