Service Manual

Figure 45. Securing the force plate
Next steps
1. Install the heat sink.
2. Install the air shroud.
3. Follow the procedure listed in After you work inside your system.
Install the heat sink
Never remove the heat sink from a processor unless you intend to replace the processor or system
board. The heat sink is necessary to maintain proper thermal conditions.
1. Follow the safety guidelines listed in the Safety instructions.
2. Follow the procedure listed in the Before you work inside your system.
3. Remove the air shroud.
4. If installed, remove the processor dust cover.
1. If you are using an existing heat sink, remove the thermal grease on the heat sink by using a clean lint-free cloth.
For a new heat sink, the thermal paste is pre-applied to the heat sink. Remove the protective cover and install
the heat sink.
2. Use the thermal grease syringe included with your processor kit to apply the grease in a thin spiral on the top of the
Installing and removing system components