CLI Guide

Table 85. Details of remoteimage (continued)
Deploy a remote image on iDRAC HTTP Share.
racadm remoteinage -c -u "user" -p "xxx" -l http://shrloc/foo.iso
Deploy a remote image on iDRAC HTTPS Share.
racadm remoteinage -c -u "user" -p "xxx" -l https://shrloc/foo.iso
NOTE: -p and -u options are not mandatory in case of HTTP/HTTPS based remoteimage
Table 86. Details of rollback
Description Allows you to roll back the firmware to an earlier version.
racadm rollback <FQDD> [--reboot]
NOTE: To get the list of available rollback versions and FQDDs, run the racadm swinventory
<FQDD>: Specify the FQDD of the device for which the rollback is required.
--reboot: Performs a graceful system reboot after the BIOS firmware rollback.
To perform BIOS firmware rollback:
racadm rollback iDRAC.Embedded.1-1
RAC1056: Rollback operation initiated successfully.
To perform a graceful system reboot after BIOS firmware rollback:
racadm rollback BIOS.Setup.1-1 --reboot
Table 87. Details of sekm
Description The sekm subcommand is used to enable and disable sekm support for a server, rekey sekm-supported
devices on a server, and test the SSL connection to a given sekm server.
To run this subcommand, you must have the following privileges:
Enableserver control and configure iDRAC privileges
Disableserver control and configure iDRAC privileges
Rekey—server control and configure iDRAC privileges
Testserverconnectionserver control and configure iDRAC privileges
Getstatuslogin privileges
NOTE: To run enable, disable, and testserverconnection commands, the target server must have sekm
To get sekm status.
racadm sekm getstatus
To enable sekm feature.
racadm sekm enable
112 RACADM Subcommand Details