User guide

Licensed Customer Confidential Starting Recovery from an Activation
Email Continuity Administrator Guide version 6.5 (1st ed.) 159
The recovery process reintegrates archived messages into your primary email
Recovery Archives can contain:
Messages sent or received by active users during an activation of Email
Continuity. You can use Recovery Manager to bring these messages into
your primary email system after the activation has ended.
Messages sent or received during the time leading up to an activation of
Email Continuity. You can use Recovery Manager to patch a data loss
window between your last good backup and a failure of your email server.
See the following sections for procedures relevant to Recovery Archives:
Starting Recovery from an Activation" on page 159
"Restoring Mail to Users’ Mailboxes" on page 161
"Completing Recovery from an Activation" on page 171
Starting Recovery from an Activation
The recovery process typically begins after restoration and testing of the primary
mail system. The recovery process allows you to migrate users from Email
Continuity back to the primary mail system.
For partial activations, recovery can be done on a server-by-server, group-by-
group, or mailbox-by-mailbox basis.
To initiate recovery:
1 Log in to the Administration Console.
2 In the Current ESS State panel, click Start Recovery.
3 If you want to recover your entire environment, select Start Recovery
for All Users. Otherwise, select Start recovery for some
users, leave others in the Active state, and identify the
users to recover, as follows:
a. Select the appropriate tab (User Sets, Mailing Lists, Servers, or
Users), and select an item on the list.
b. Click Add. The selected item moves to the Start recovery for these
users list.