Users Guide

Table Of Contents
New Features and Functionality v10.2.11
SQL Server 2019 is now supported.
The Security Management Server Virtual is compatible with the Microsoft requirement for LDAP channel binding and LDAP
signing when Active Directory is in use.
Licenses purchased on-the-box can now be bulk-inserted with a .csv file. To obtain this file, contact your Dell Security sales
representative or Dell Security support.
The Security Server service now automatically adds the Server local IP addresses to ipWhitelist on service startup.
Management Console:
For Management > Commit Policies, the embedded help now also includes content for View Pending Commit(s).
On the Endpoints page, the PBE and Manager columns are no longer included as part of the endpoint information. An
Enabled Technologies column now displays all the plugins that are enabled on the endpoint.
The EMS Device Whitelist field now accepts a maximum of 150 characters per line and 500 lines.
Resolved Technical Advisories v10.2.11
The APNS (Apple Push Notification Server) database tables, which are used for iOS device support, have been removed.
The MDM (mobile device support) database tables have been removed. [DDPS-9454]
When sending an email through JavaMail in the Management Console > Notification Management page, the Console
sends the email as anonymous. Updating to the latest version of JavaMail resolved the issue. [DDPS-9494]
The password used when downloading an endpoint recovery bundle is no longer written in cleartext in output.log file from
the Security Server logs when in debug mode. [DDPS-9541]
In the Management Console > Notification Management page, the Send Test Email dialog now displays the correct
information. [DDPS-9542]
Due to product deprecation, the cloud-profile-updater. properties file has been removed from '/opt/dell/
server/security-server/conf' and '/opt/dell/server/security-server/bin'. [DDPS-9544]
In the Management Console > User Groups, when an administrator tries to grant to a group a higher administrator role
than the administrator account itself possesses, an Access Denied message displays rather than an Internal Error message.
When updating a Security Management Server Virtual's certificate using the Advanced Configuration > Server
Certificates > Create and Install Self-Signed Certificate option, the system updates the signingcertificate table as
In the Security Management Server Virtual, when configuring SMTP email with Username and Password, the Security
Server's javamail.smtp.auth property now gets set. [DDPS-9556]
If the Management Console times out and cannot connect to the Security Management Server Virtual, a more descriptive
Connection Refused dialog now displays. Clicking OK redirects the user to the login page. [DDPS-9557]
In the Security Management Server Virtual > DMZ Server Support field, the Host Name field now accepts any valid
FQDN or hostname including those that begin with a number. [DDPS-9561, DDPS-9561]
Threat Events are now sortable within an individual Endpoint. [DDPS-9568]
Selecting the option to Bypass for an Endpoint Group now appropriately displays a confirmation dialog. [DDPS-9596]
An issue where the Effective Policy for an Endpoint or a User would not properly update has been resolved. [DDPS-9621]
An issue where the Encryption Failure View was not loading within the Security Management Server Virtual has been
resolved. [DDPS-9622]
The Threat Protection Status widget on the Dashboard now properly displays the color indicator per Threat Category.
The Device ID now links to the endpoint within the Threat Events tab. [DDPS-9640]
When connecting to the Cylance server in the Management Console > Advanced Threats tab, a wait message no longer
displays. [DDPS-9650]
In the Management Console > Management > Services Management > Events Management, an issue has been
resolved where the Security Server logs displayed recent events but would not export events when an unexpectedly older
event was discovered. [DDPS-9662]
Administrators with the Help Desk role can no longer remove endpoints that are presented within an endpoint's Details and
Actions tab. [DDPS-9698]
Advanced Threat Events once again can search by hostname or SHA256 hash. [DDPS-9710]
Dell Security Management Server Virtual Technical Advisories