Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Inventory polls for managed clients have been reduced from twelve to two hours to more accurately reflect status changes.
After a certificate request is successfully created in the VE Terminal, returning to the Create Certificate Request screen no
longer returns the user to the shell prompt. [DDPS-2405]
The Server Encryption identity certificate is now preserved when restoring from a pre-v9.1 backup. [DDPS-2431]
When an endpoint is moved from one Endpoint Group to another non-default Endpoint Group, Endpoint Group policies are
now consistently applied based on Precedence settings. [DDPS-2881]
A default SDE Encryption Rules policy which caused problems with Windows updates has been resolved. The issue resulted
from encryption of \System32 executable files. The default policy has been changed for EE and VE Servers v9.2 and later.
[DDPS-2952, DDPC-1207]
VE v9.2.0.216 and later includes a security update addressing a Linux GNU C Library (glibc) vulnerability (CVE-2015-7547).
Customers and field teams should take the latest VE update and all VE updates or sustaining releases as a best practice.
Technical Advisories v9.2
A Compliance Reporter report layout can be deleted without an error message although subordinate reports are attached to
it. [DDPS-1094]
The IP Exclusions for Web Protection field in the Remote Management Console accepts invalid formats. [DDPS-2206]
The description of a custom Client Firewall rule in the Remote Management Console does not include local or remote
network type. [DDPS-2278]
If browser cookies are not enabled, the message "An internal error occurred" displays at logon to the Remote Management
Console rather than a message prompting the user to enable cookies. [DDPS-2661]
Compliance Reporter customizations are lost when updating from a pre-v9.2 version of VE. [DDPS-2667, DDPS-2811]
The Compliance Reporter Mobile Device Policy report is not populated. [DDPS-2675]
In Compliance Reporter Report View Scheduling, the tooltip for the Email Recipients field says that email addresses can
be separated by commas or placed on separate lines. Email addresses cannot be placed on separate lines but should be
separated by commas. [DDPS-2678]
When restoring a v8.5 VE backup to a v9.2 VE with a customized hostname, Compliance Reporter will not start.
During services restart, navigating to the Enterprise Population pages in the Remote Management Console results in an
Access Denied message rather than a return to the login page. [DDPS-2815]
After the Advanced Threat Prevention service is provisioned, Advanced Threat Events do not begin to display until the
administrator logs off then logs back on to the Remote Management Console. [DDPS-2816]
The Remote Management Console Endpoint Security Policies tab shows values for the BitLocker Recovery Information to
Store in AD DS policy as Recovery Passwords and Keys Packages and Recovery Passwords Only. In Endpoint Effective
Policies, the values for the same policy are Passwords and Keys and Passwords Only. [DDPS-2821]
The Client Firewall custom rule allows the administrator to enter subnet addresses although subnets cannot be created for
local or remote networks. [DDPS-2838]
A few tooltips and areas of a few pages are not localized in the Remote Management Console. [DDPS-2842, DDPS-2844,
DDPS-2989, DDPS-2994, DDPS-2996, DDPS-2997, DDPS-2999]
"Override Count" is truncated on the Endpoint Security Policies tab in the Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, and Brazilian
Portuguese Remote Management Console. [DDPS-2843]
The Remote Management Console User Detail tab displays the Effective Policies icon for mobile devices although effective
policies do not apply to mobile devices. [DDPS-2880]
There is a delay between completion of the VE poll based on the configured Server Polling Interval and display of Threat
Protection events in the Remote Management Console. [DDPS-2896]
The refresh button is not functioning on the Alerts Management page in the Remote Management Console. [DDPS-2923]
Resetting the database password in the VE Terminal with a password that contains a pound or number sign character (#)
causes database-dependent services to fail. [DDPS-2924]
The Add Domain page in the Remote Management Console has no vertical scrollbar, so on small screens or screens with low
resolution, the Add Domain button is not visible. [DDPS-2945]
Entering an invalid LDAP password when adding a domain in the Remote Management Console results in a prompt to check
the logs rather than a message that the password is invalid. [DDPS-2954]
The Remote Management Console does not function if TLS v1.0 is disabled. [DDPS-2955]
The Network Settings default button in the VE Terminal differs between initial setup and subsequent visits to the Network
Settings page. During setup, the Cancel button is default. After setup, the OK button is default. [DDPS-3002]
Dell Security Management Server Virtual Technical Advisories