Users Guide

Table Of Contents
New Features and Functionality v9.0
VE now supports Endpoint Security Suite with an extensive set of new policies and Compliance Reporter reporting options.
Endpoint Security Suite includes the following:
Malware Protection
Client Firewall
Web Protection
DDP|E Encryption
SED Management
Advanced Authentication
BitLocker Manager
Capability is added to update self-signed certificates through the VE Terminal user interface.
Resolved Technical Advisories v9.0
When a proxy server is used, proxy server settings and firewall credentials can now be configured through the VE Terminal
UI for communication with the Update Server. [DDPS-803]
The System Snapshot Log file contents no longer includes unnecessary files. [DDPS-1139]
If VE disk utilization exceeds 90 percent, notification emails are now sent every hour rather than several times an hour.
VE communication with the Update Server is now properly logged without duplication. [DDPS-1215]
Regular checks for VE updates and results of these checks are now logged to the syslog file as expected. [DDPS-1217]
VE now sends an email notification if a check for VE update fails. [DDPS-1285]
Translated text in a few localized VE Remote Management Console screens is corrected. [DDPS-1327]
The time zone setting is now preserved after restoring VE from backup. [DDPS-1329]
A Restore operation is now prevented if all VE services are not Running before the Restore operation is initiated. All services
must be Running before a backup is restored, or they will not automatically start after the backup is restored. [DDPS-1348]
Occasional activation failures that previously occurred during automated database clean-up no longer occur. [DDPS-1423]
VE v9.0 includes a security update addressing an OpenSSL vulnerability (OpenSSL CVE-2014-3566). Customers and field
teams should take v9.0 and all VE updates or sustaining releases, as a best practice. [DDPS-1437, DDPS-1438, DDPS-1440]
During an update, the VE Terminal Update Installation Status window now scrolls properly to display complete progress of
the update. [DDPS-1459]
VE v9.0 includes a security update addressing a Linux GNU C Library (glibc) vulnerability (CVE-2015-0235). Customers and
field teams should take v9.0 and all VE updates or sustaining releases, as a best practice. [DDPSTE-363]
Technical Advisories v9.0
Added 02/2016 - Virtual Edition is not sending email notifications as expected. [DDPS-1705]
To protect communications against the OpenSSL CVE-2014-3566 vulnerability, DDP|E Virtual Edition v9.0 is set to
communicate using TLS, by default. However, DDP|E SED and HCA v8.5 and earlier clients communicate with VE using
SSL. This means that when running VE Server 9.0, DDP|E SED or HCA v8.5 and earlier clients with Preboot Authentication
activated will fail to communicate with the VE Server. To work around this issue, search "SLN295960" at
support, to find the knowledge base article associated with this issue. This workaround must be implemented as soon as
possible, in order to prevent PBA client communication issues with the VE Server v9.0. [DDPSTE-169]
When running the EAS Configuration Tool to set up Exchange ActiveSync management while the Exchange ActiveSync
web application is configured to run in IIS Classic mode, policy communication errors occur and the following message
displays: "Failed to add the OTASync module declaration." To work around this issue, if possible, use IIS Integrated mode.
As an alternative, the web.config and EASMailboxManager.exe.config files can be modified to correct the issue. For more
information about modifying these configuration files, search "SLN295997" at, to find the knowledge
base article associated with this issue. [DDPSTE-307]
In the Remote Management Console, when duplicate entries of a Mobile Edition endpoint exist, selecting the Resolve User
option returns an error and does not resolve the duplicate entries. [DDPSTE-371]
In the Remote Management Console, when Client Firewall rules are added or edited, the IP address and Network type fields
are not validated; column headers can be moved and resized to the extent that headings become illegible; multiple rows
can be selected, preventing them from being edited; the Cancel button is unresponsive in the Add and Edit dialogs; and an
Dell Security Management Server Virtual Technical Advisories