Deployment Guide

Table Of Contents
Disconnected Mode Installation
Disconnected mode isolates Security Management Server from the Internet and an unsecured LAN or other network. After
Security Management Server is installed in Disconnected mode, it remains in Disconnected mode and cannot be changed back
to Connected mode.
Security Management Server is installed in Disconnected mode at the command line.
The following table lists the available switches.
Switch Meaning
/v Pass variables to the .msi inside the *.exe
/s Silent mode
The following table lists available display options.
Option Meaning
/q No Progress dialog, restarts itself after process completion
/qb Progress dialog with Cancel button
/qn No user interface
The following table details the parameters available for the installation. These parameters can be specified at the command line
or called from a file by using the property:
INSTALL_VALUES_FILE=\"<file_path>\" "
AGREE_TO_LICENSE=Yes - This value must be "Yes."
PRODUCT_SN=xxxxx - Optional if you have the license information in the standard location; otherwise, enter it here.
INSTALLDIR=<path> - Optional.
BACKUPDIR=<path> - This is where the recovery files are stored.
NOTE: The folder structure created by the installer during this installation step (example shown below) must remain
AIRGAP=1 - This value must be "1" to install Security Management Server in Disconnected mode.
SSL_TYPE=n - Where n is 1 to import an existing certificate that was purchased from a CA authority and 2 to create a
self-signed certificate. The SSL_TYPE value determines which SSL properties are required.
The following are required with SSL_TYPE=1:
The following are required with SSL_TYPE=2:
SSL_COUNTRY - Optional, default = "US"
Install or Upgrade/Migrate 69