Users Guide

When DDP|CE is installed but the Dropbox sync client is not, files and folders downloaded from the Dropbox website cannot
be decrypted. To work around this issue, install the Dropbox sync client and open Dropbox files in the DDP|CE virtual drive
on the client computer. [DDPCE-1810]
On 64-bit browsers, the notification that the user has navigated away from a protected website does not display. Although
the notification does not display, file encryption in the cloud proceeds as expected. [DDPCE-1823]
When a new folder is created in the DDP|CE virtual drive and a new file is added to it, the help file specified in Cloud Storage
policies Help File Name and Help File Contents is not added to the folder. [DDPCE-1824]
If a web browser is removed from the providers list or assigned any protection level other than Protect in the Cloud Storage
Protection Providers policy, files are not encrypted when that browser is used to upload files or folders to cloud storage
provider websites. [DDPCE-1888]
When an external user uses the cloud storage provider's website to create or upload an edited file into an internal user's
folder with a filename that matches that of another file in the folder, the file will not sync to the DDP|CE virtual drive on
either user's computer. [DDPCE-1897]
After upgrade from v1.3 or earlier, an external Dropbox user's local files do not display in the DDP|CE virtual drive, although
the files remain encrypted in the cloud. To work around this issue, after installation, click Relink in the Dropbox Folder
Missing dialog. The files will be synced to the DDP|CE virtual drive. [DDPCE-1899]
Server Encryption
If the user opens the local console before activation, a message displays that Administrator rights are required, without
regard to the access rights of the logged on user. [DDPMTR-1402]
The Cancel button on the Activation dialog is unresponsive. [DDPMTR-1430]
The Activate option displays in the system tray icon menu for a few minutes after activation is completed. However, an
attempt at a second activation will not succeed. [DDPMTR-1522]
Clicking the system tray icon immediately after installation and restart may result in a message that access is denied. To
work around this problem, wait a few minutes then click the system tray icon again. [DDPMTR-1559]
In the local console, the Applies to: field on the Current Settings screen may be blank. To work around this issue, to view
policies for the server's virtual user, click the pull-down arrow in the Applies to: field and select SERVER_OS.
After SDE recovery and a restart on Windows 10, the server does not boot directly into Windows but instead displays the
Windows Automatic Repair screen. To work around this issue, restart the server until it boots directly into Windows.
With Hyper-V enabled, restart fails after an encryption sweep. To work around this issue, ensure that the SDE Encryption
Rules policy excludes the following files from encryption:
Enabling or disabling Hyper-V when SDE encryption is enabled causes a failure that requires SDE recovery. To work around
this issue, before installation, enable or disable Hyper-V as needed. If DDP|SE is already installed, decrypt and uninstall,
enable or disable Hyper-V, then reinstall and activate. [DDPMTR-1863]
New Features and Functionality v8.6.1
Enterprise Edition, External Media Edition, and Advanced Authentication clients now support Windows 10. Cloud Edition will
support Windows 10 in a future release.
BitLocker Manager is now included with every DDP | EE purchase. This requires the DDP | EE Server or DDP | VE 9.1 Server
(DDP | VE 9.1 Server not yet released). The Server will first decrement BitLocker licenses from previous purchases and once
those are depleted, additional BitLocker clients will decrement a DDP | EE client license. This applies to both new and
existing customers.
Technical Advisories