Users Guide

An issue has been resolved so that the Shield Detail page in Manage Reports can filter and data is returned. [DDPS-9915]
An issue has been resolved so that the Device Detail report can be exported. [DDPS-9983]
Resolved Security Advisories v10.2.13
No security advisories exist.
Technical Advisories v10.2.13
Management Console:
Currently, when the administrator performs a mass import to an administrator-defined Endpoint Group and case does not
match exactly, the import fails. [DDPS-9967, DDPSUS-2891]
Currently, the Security Management Server Virtual does not properly update the Directory URL in the Domain Settings
tab to display LDAPS when a Secure LDAP connection is being leveraged. All information is secured through SSL or TLS,
but content in the Directory URL does not persist. [DDPS-9984]
Recovery Portal:
If a super administrator logs in to the Recovery Portal, logs out, and then logs in to the Management Console, the Log
Analyzer entries do not indicate the successful login for Recovery Portal. [DDPS-9941]
Currently, if an administrator copies the logged-in URL of the Recovery Portal and pastes it in another browser, the
administrator is not prompted to log in again. [DDPS-9961]
Currently, if logging in on same the browser as superadmin to the Management Console and then on a separate tab to
the Recovery Portal, an Access Denied dialog displays. The work around is to log out and then log in on separate
browsers or to log in first to the Recovery Portal. [DDPS-9965]
New Features and Functionality v10.2.12
Cryptographic Next Generation certificates are now supported.
For customers who have purchased VMware Carbon Black and Dell Encryption per-device from Dell, support is now available
for on-the-box entitlements.
This functionality applies to the Management Console:
The legacy management console has been deprecated. The legacy login and corresponding URLs are no longer available.
Microsoft Edge (Chromium) is supported.
For newly deployed Security Management Servers, the Sync Users at PBA Activation policy in the Pre-Boot
Authentication policy group is now enabled by default to sync all active user accounts to the PBA during activation. This
helps to ensure that users can log in after PBA activation and reduces occurrences where users must perform a manual
In Windows Encryption > BitLocker Encryption, the Disable BitLocker on Self-Encrypting Drives policy has been renamed
to Block BitLocker when other Dell Encryption technologies are present, and the hover text has been clarified.
The Device Detail report in Reporting > Manage Reports > Create New Report > Device Detail, contains a new column
titled Enabled Technologies.
Resolved Technical Advisories v10.2.12
Management Console:
On the Endpoint Detail page > Details & Actions tab, the States section now displays only the disks present in the last
inventory that is received from the endpoint. Historical data regarding disks is retained but no longer displays.
On the Endpoint Detail page > Details & Action tab > Plugins & Agent section > Endpoints Plugin column, a hover text
description has been added for each Plugins & Agents column value. [DDPS-5580]
In Endpoint Detail > Details & Action > Plugins & Agent, only those plugins from the last check-in on the endpoint display.
The plugins displayed change when the plugin's state is changed from any State (Active, Available) to Not Present or
the reverse. [DDPS-7421]
Dell Security Management Server Virtual Technical Advisories