Users Guide

2. Select the Key Management tab.
3. Enter the keyid and click Find Owner. The owner displays in the Current Owner field.
4. In the New Owner field, enter the email address of the new owner and click Change Owner.
To change ownership for all keys:
1. In the left pane, navigate to Management > Data Guardian Management.
2. Select the Key Management tab.
3. Select Change Ownership for ALL keys.
4. Enter the email address of the current owner.
5. Enter the email address of the new owner.
6. Click Change Owner.
During the transfer, a table displays at the bottom, Key Changes in Progress. When complete, this content is removed. The
Log Analyzer displays a log of the keys that have changed ownership.
Access Groups is now available the Management Console. To enable Access Groups:
1. In the left pane, navigate to Management > Services Management.
2. Select the Data Guardian tab.
3. For Access Groups, click On.
For more information on Access Groups, refer to AdminHelp, available in the Management Console.
Resolved Technical Advisories v10.2.3
An issue resulting in the PostGRESQL database not properly cleaning data during default configured cleanup jobs is resolved.
After installation, on subsequent cleanup jobs, all previous jobs are reconciled. [DDPS-8397]
An issue with data exported to a Syslog or SIEM server through Event Management in the Management Console is resolved.
Technical Advisories v10.2.3
In rare circumstances, pre-sharing a protected document with an embargo set may not in all cases pre-share the key. To
work around this issue, manually share the key through the right-click menu from an internal user or an internal file owner.
New Features and Functionality v10.2.2
No new features or functionality exist.
Resolved Technical Advisories v10.2.2
The Security Management Server now validates the version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 version 12.0.40660. If this version
is not found, the installer exits. Please validate this version is installed before installing the Security Management Server.
[DDPS-8010, DDPSUS-2437]
Translation consistency is improved. [DDPS-8064]
An issue resulting in service account names being rejected when starting with an escape character such as u and some
special characters is resolved. [DDPS-8109]
Clean installs of the Security Management Server no longer result in ACL service error messages. [DDPS-8149, DDPS-8270]
Sorting by Classification Path in Audit Events no longer results in an error. [DDPS-8151]
An issue that resulted in internal errors when transitioning between screens in the Management Console is resolved.
Dell Security Management Server Technical Advisories