Users Guide

EVO:RAIL Management
After your initial EVO:RAIL Appliance is deployed and configured, EVO:RAIL Management is where you
perform your day-to-day tasks such as:
Create virtual machines (VMs)
Monitor virtual machines (VMs)
Monitor the status of an EVO:RAIL cluster, appliances, and nodes
Add EVO:RAIL appliances
Enter appliance licenses
Select localization setting
Update EVO:RAIL software components
Access EVO:RAIL Management
To access EVO:RAIL Management:
From your EVO:RAIL workstation or laptop, browse through the EVO:RAIL IP address https://
Log in to EVO:RAIL management console by using username as adminstrator@vsphere.local
and the password specified during EVO:RAIL Initial Configuration.
The latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer 10 and later are all supported. The minimum
recommended screen resolution is 1280x1024.
Create VMs
EVO:RAIL Management streamlines the creation of VMs with simple selections for:
Guest operating system (OS)
Virtual machine size
Network segment (VLAN)
Security options
In EVO:RAIL Management, use the following procedure to create a VM:
1. Click Create VM in the left pane to begin the VM creation process. You have the option to either click
Cancel or Go Back to a previous step.