Users Guide

Passwords must contain 8 –20 characters, with at least one uppercase, one lower case, and one
special character. No character can be repeated three consecutive times.
Optional: To use AD for authentication, type the AD username, AD password, and AD domain.
EVO:RAIL does not fully configure Active Directory. You must perform more steps http://
B074-71643C4CB040.html on the vSphere Web Client.
9. Click Globals to specify the time zone, logging, and any existing DNS, NTP, or Proxy servers on your
network. If you have multiple servers, separate them with commas. EVO:RAIL configures each of
these services, as needed. For example, all ESXi hosts and the vCenter Server are configured with the
specified NTP server when this field is filled out.
Logging combines information for auditing and to track the functionality of EVO:RAIL, vCenter
Server, and ESXi. By default, logging is set to vRealize Log Insight. You may alternately select an
existing third-party syslog server. The default IP address for Log Insight is preconfigured; for example, If you change the IP address of vCenter Server in step 6, change the IP address of
Log Insight to be on the same subnet.
10. Click Validate. EVO:RAIL verifies the configuration data, checking for conflicts. After validation is
successful, click Build Appliance.
11. This step is only necessary if you change the IP address of vCenter Server from the default value.
If you set a new IP address for vCenter Server or EVO:RAIL in step 6, you see the following screen:
Figure 12. New IP address for EVO:RAIL Management, if you change the IP address of vCenter Server
Before you proceed, manually change the IP address of your EVO:RAIL Configuration and
Management workstation or laptop to a new address on the same subnet as the new EVO:RAIL
Management IP address. (For example, if the new management IP address is, you could
set your client laptop to Return to the browser window and click Continue with
appliance build. If you see a browser message about certificates, click Proceed anyway.
If you lose connectivity during the appliance build process, browse to port 7443 on the new IP
address. (for example,