Users Guide

The general formula for the FQDN (fully qualified domain name) of an ESXi host is:
When using "-" as the separator, the FQDN of an ESXi host is: <hostname>-
<iterator>.<domain> (i.e. host-01.vsphere.local)
When using "" as the separator, the FQDN of an ESXi host is: <hostname><iterator>.<domain>
(i.e. host01.vsphere.local)
ALPHA means that the first host starts with A, the second host with B, and so on.
NUMERIC_N means that the first host starts with "1", the second host with "2", and so on.
NUMERIC_NN means that the first host starts with "01", the second host with "02", and so on.
LOGINSIGHT means that Log Insight is used as the log collection server. When this option is
used, data must be entered in "loginsightServer" and "loginsightHostname".
SYSLOG means that an external log collection server is used as the log collection server.
When this option is used, data must be entered in "syslogServerCSV".
Any value listed in in the TZ
column is accepted as valid input.
3. Fields in green are optional. If the field is not used, it should be left unfilled with just opening and
closing quotation marks, that is "".
4. The brown field indicates that the "logging' field is set to "SYSLOG" (that is "logging": "SYSLOG"). Up
to two IP addresses (or FQDNs) are supported in this field. If the field is set to ("logging":
"LOGINSIGHT"), the field in brown, must be left blank (that is "syslogServerCSV": "")
5. Fields in yellow are required if the "logging" field is set to "LOGINSIGHT" (that is "logging":
"LOGINSIGHT"). If the field is set to ("logging": " SYSLOG"), the fields in yellow, must be left blank (that
is "loginsightServer": "" and "loginsightHostname": "")
6. Type data during configuring in fields that contain passwords. They should not be prefilled in the
JSON file for security reasons.
7. No other fields must be modified.
The following is a sample JSON file based on EVO:RAIL Release 1.1.0 and 1.2.0. Data is mapped to the
rows in the EVO:RAIL Network Configuration Table.