Administrator Guide

11 Configuring Remote Wake-Up Using Dell Client Command Suite
Creating a configuration file for setting autoon as selectdays (Mondays and Saturdays)
To configure the time on which you want the system to automatically turn on using the autoonhr and
autoonmn option from the Power and Performance category, perform the following:
1. Click the required option:
Create Multiplatform Package.
Create Local System Package.
Open a Saved Package.
2. Click Edit, or double-click the option.
3. In the autoonmn and autoonhr option rows, enter the value in textbox. If value entered is out of
range, then pop is shown with error message.
4. Click OK.
5. To apply the modifications, export the configuration in .ini or .exe format.
6. To see how to export the configuration and apply it on target systems, go to the Dell Command |
Configure wiki page, click the Documentation link and see the Dell Command | Configure User’s