Administrator Guide

Server configuration profile end-to-end workflows
18 Using Server Configuration Profiles to Deploy Operating Systems to Dell EMC PowerEdge Servers | 375
"Attributes": [
{ "Name": "MemTest",
"Value": "Enabled",
"Set On Import": "True",
"Comment": "Read and Write" },
{ "Name": "UefiBootSeq",
"Value": "RAID.Mezzanine.1-1",
"Set On Import": "True",
"Comment": "Read and Write" }
{ "FQDD": "LifecycleController.Embedded.1",
"Attributes": [
{ "Name": "OSD.1#OSName",
"Value": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6 x64",
"Set On Import": "True",
"Comment": "Read and Write" },
{ "Name": "OSD.1#OSMediaShareType",
"Value": "local",
"Set On Import": "True",
"Comment": "Read and Write" },
{ "Name": "OSD.1#OSMediaName",
"Value": "RHEL_7_6_Server_x86_64.iso",
"Set On Import": "True",
"Comment": "Read and Write" },
{ "Name": "OSD.1#AnswerFileName",
"Value": "ks.cfg",
"Set On Import": "True",
"Comment": "Read and Write" },
{ "Name": "OSD.1#ExposeDuration",
"Value": "7200",
"Set On Import": "True",
"Comment": "Read and Write" }
4. After editing the SCP file, execute an import preview to make sure the SCP file is correct and has no
errors before importing. To perform SCP import preview, we will be executing “racadm set” command
passing in “preview” parameter.
If import preview command passes, a job ID will be returned. Take this job ID and query to make sure it
returns completed successfully message.
C:\>racadm -r -u root -p calvin --nocertwarn set -f
C6420_scp_file.json -t json -u administrator -p P@ssw0rd -l
// --preview
RAC1114 : Configuration XML preview operation job is initiated.
Monitor the status of the preview operation job by running the
racadm command "racadm jobqueue view -i JID_768724066327".
C:\>racadm -r -u root -p calvin --nocertwarn jobqueue view -i
---------------------------- JOB -------------------------