White Papers

Power Topology Profile
Version 1.0.0a 19
8.4 Method:
Dell_OEMPowerConfigurationService.AssignPowerRedundancyPriority ( )
Dell_OEMPowerConfigurationService.AssignPowerRedundancyPriority() method provides an interface for
a client application to assign a priority to the redundancy. The priority could be assigned either to the
power supply redundancy, or to the external power domain redundancy.
) return values shall be as
specified in Table 8.
Dell_OEMPowerConfigurationService.AssignPowerRedundancyPriority() parameters are specified in
Table 9.
No standard messages are defined for this method.
Table 8 – Dell_OEMPowerConfigurationService.AssignPowerRedundancyPriority ( ) Method:
Return Code Values
Value Description
0 Request was successfully executed.
1 Method is not supported in the implementation.
2 Error occurred
Table 9 – Dell_OEMPowerConfigurationService.AssignPowerRedundancyPriority ( ) Method:
Qualifiers Name Type Description/Values
uint16 The possible values:
2 (None)
3 (Power Supply)
4 (External Power Domain)
8.4.1 Dell_OEMPowerConfigurationService.AssignPowerRedundancyPriority ( )
Conditional Support
If the SupportedMethods property array of the associated instance of
Dell_OEMPowerConfigurationCapabilities contains the value 5 (AssignPowerRedundancyPriority), the
) method shall be implemented and shall not return the value 1 (Not
If the SupportedMethods property array of the associated instance of
Dell_OEMPowerConfigurationCapabilities does not contain the value
5(AssignPowerRedundancyPriority), the AssignPowerRedundancyPriority(
) method shall not be
implemented or shall always return the value 1 (Not Supported).
8.5 Profile Conventions for Operations
Support for operations for each profile class (including associations) is specified in the following
subclauses. Each subclause includes either the statement β€œAll operations in the default list in section 8.5
are supported as described by DSP0200 version 1.2” or a table listing all of the operations that are not
supported by this profile or where the profile requires behavior other than that described by DSP0200.