White Papers

Power Topology Profile
system1 : ComputerSystem
profile1 : RegisteredProfile
RegisteredName : Base Server Profile
RegisteredVersion : 1.0.0
RegisteredOrganization : 2 (DMTF)
profile2 : RegisteredProfile
RegisteredName : Power Topology Profile
RegisteredVersion : 1.0.0
RegisteredOrganization : 1(Other)
OtherRegisteredOrganization : “Dell Inc.”
capabilities1 : Dell_OEMPowerConfigurationCapabilities
SupportedMethods[] : {
2(ChangeAffectedElementsAssignedSequence), 3
pmservice1 : Dell_OEMPowerConfigurationService
Figure 2 – Power Topology Profile: Profile Registration
9.1.2 Initial External Power Redundancy Configuration
Figure 3 represents a possible instantiation of the Power Topology Profile. This figure represents an initial
unknown external power domain redundancy. The managed system, system1, has two external power
domains, pwrsrcdom1 and pwrsrcdom2, that are not associated to any power supply, representing that
the instrumentation is unaware of the configuration of the external grids with the respect to the power
supplies. Redundancyset2, which represents the external power domain redundancy, has a value of 0
(Unknown) for the RedundancyStatus property. When the managed system’s power supplies are
configured in the external power redundant configuration, upon the successful execution of
) or
) the underlying instrumentation
will represent the appropriate topology for the power configuration.
24 Version 1.0.0a