White Papers

Power Utilization Management Profile
Version 1.0.0a 27
The CIM_PowerAllocationSettingData.Limit (Maximum Limit) property represents the maximum
power budget setting for the managed system, if the CIM_SettingDefineCapabilities association
referencing the instance has the ValueRange property set to 3 (Maximus).
8) Invoke Service.RequestPowerUtilizationLimit() method using the following steps:
1) Set the EnforceUtilizationLimit parameter to TRUE
2) Set the UtilizationLimit parameter to a value less than or equal to the Maximum Limit, and
greater than or equal to the Minimum Limit
3) Set the UtilizationLimitUnit parameter to a value in the
Capabilities.SupportedUtilizationLimitUnits[] property
4) Set the UtilizationElement parameter to the Power Aspect instance reference.
9) After the successful execution of the method, the Power Aspect instance’s Limit property will be set
to the requested power consumption budget.
9.5 Remove Power Consumption Budget for the Managed System
1) From the given instance of CIM_ComputerSystem, select the
DCIM_OEMPowerUtilizationManagementService (Service) instance associated to the given instance
through the CIM_ServiceAffectsElement association.
2) Select the DCIM_OEMPowerUtilizationManagementCapabilities (Capabilities) instance associated to
the Service instance through the ElementCapabilities association.
3) Verify that the Capabilities.SupportedMethods property contains 32768
(RequestPowerUtilizationLimit) value.
4) If there is no such value, then the Service does not support removing the power consumption budget
of the managed system.
5) Otherwise, select the instance of CIM_PowerAllocationSettingData (PowerAspect) associated to the
given managed system through the CIM_SettingDefinesState association.
6) Invoke Service.RequestPowerUtilizationLimit() method using the following steps:
1) Set the EnforceUtilizationLimit parameter to FALSE
2) Set the UtilizationLimit parameter to NULL
3) Set the UtilizationLimitUnit parameter to NULL
4) Set the UtilizationElement parameter to the Power Aspect instance reference.
7) After the successful execution of the method, the power consumption budget will not be enforced for
the managed system and the Power Aspect instance’s Limit property will be set to NULL.
10 CIM Elements
Table 16 lists the instances of CIM Elements for this profile. Instances of the CIM Elements shall be
implemented as described in Table 16. Sections 7 (“Implementation Requirements”) and 8 (“Methods”)
may impose additional requirements on these elements.