White Papers

Power Utilization Management Profile
36 Version 1.0.0a
[Description (
"This property represents the setting for cooling algorithm to "
"maximimize power utilization. When the workload rises the "
"cooling will need to be increased or the workload be executed "
"slower.\n "
"2 (\"Max Performance\") - corresponds to fan devices consuming "
"more power because of speedups to handle heat generated from "
"executing workloads faster.\n "
"3 (\"Min Power\") - corresponds to slowing the workload through "
"throttling so less heat is generated and fans can run slower."),
ValueMap { "0", "2", "3"},
Values { "Unknown", "Max Performance", "Min Power" }]
uint16 FanPowerMode;
// Copyright (c) 2008 Dell Inc. All rights reserved.
// ==================================================================
// DCIM_OEMPowerUtilizationManagementCapabilities
// ==================================================================
// Preliminary Approved
[Experimental, Version ( "2.18.0" ),
Description (
"DCIM_OEMPowerUtilizationManagementCapabilities describes the capabilities "
"of the associated Service.")]
class DCIM_OEMPowerUtilizationManagementCapabilities :
CIM_PowerUtilizationManagementCapabilities {
[Description (
"Each enumeration corresponds to support for the "
"like-named method of the MetricService. "),