White Papers

Power Utilization Management Profile
44 Version 1.0.0a
uint32 RequestPowerUtilizationAlgorithm (
[Required, IN, Description (
"Requested algorithm to be employed by the service for power utilization."),
ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"},
Values { "None", "Custom Settings Based", "Maximum Performance",
"Minimum Performance", "OS Specific",
"Active Power Utilization"},
ModelCorrespondence {
uint16 RequestedAlgorithm,
[IN, Description (
"Requested custom setting name that shall correspond to the "
"property name of DCIM_OEMPowerUtilizationCustomSettingData." "This parameter shall not be
NULL, if the RequestedAlgorithm "
"parameter has value 3 (\"Custom Settings Based\")."),
ArrayType ( "Indexed" ),
ModelCorrespondence {
"DCIM_OEMPowerUtilizationManagementCapabilities.SupportedCustomSettings" }
string CustomSettingNames[],
[IN, Description (
"Requested custom setting values for the custom setting "
"referenced in the corresponding index of the "
"CustomSettingNames parameter. Each value shall match to the "
"string value of the corresponding CustomSettingNames index "
"same named property of the "
"DCIM_OEMPowerUtilizationCustomSettingData class."