White Papers

18 Version 1.0.0a
7.3.7 ConnectionModesSupported
When there is an instance of CIM_USBRedirectionCapabilities associated with the instance of
DCIM_OEMVirtualMediaService, the CIM_USBRedirectionCapabilities.ConnectionModesSupported array
property shall contain values that specify which connection modes the service supports.
This property can be used by the remote client to determine whether Virtual Media Service supports
initiating connections to a remote application for Virtual Medias, or if it waits for a remote application to
initiate the Virtual Media connections.
When the ConnectionModesSupported array property contains a value of 2 (Listen), the Virtual Media
Service supports waiting for remote applications to initiate network connections for Virtual Medias.
When the ConnectionModesSupported array property contains a value of 3 (Connect) the Virtual Media
Service supports initiating network connections to the remote applications for Virtual Medias.
7.3.8 InfoFormatsSupported
The InfoFormatsSupported property may contain an enumeration of the AccessInfo formats available for
the USB Redirection SAP. When the ConnectionModesSupported array property contains a value of 3
(Connect), this property shall contain an enumeration of the AccessInfo formats available for the USB
Redirection SAP to connect to the remote service access point modeled by
7.3.9 RequestedStatesSupported
When there is an instance of CIM_USBRedirectionCapabilities associated with the instance of
DCIM_OEMVirtualMediaService, the CIM_USBRedirectionCapabilities.RequestedStatesSupported
property shall contain zero or more of the following values: 2 (Enabled) or 3 (Disabled). See section for more information.
7.4 Representing a USB Redirection SAP
A USB Redirection SAP shall be represented by an instance of CIM_USBRedirectionSAP.
7.4.1 The Relationship to the Service
The relationship between the USB Redirection SAP and a Virtual Media Service shall be modeled for
each instance of CIM_USBRedirectionSAP that exists.
The relationship shall be modeled with an instance of CIM_ServiceAccessBySAP. When used in this
way, the CIM_ServiceAccessBySAP association's Antecedent property shall reference the
DCIM_OEMVirtualMediaService instance, and its Dependent property shall reference the
CIM_USBRedirectionSAP instance.
7.4.2 The Relationship to the Computer System with the Emulated USB Devices
The relationship between the USB Redirection SAP and the computer system that contains one or more
emulated USB Devices may be modeled.
The relationship shall be modeled with an instance of the CIM_SAPAvailableForElement association.
When used in this way, the CIM_SAPAvailableForElement association's ManagedElement property shall
reference the CIM_ComputerSystem instance, and its AvailableSAP property shall reference the
CIM_USBRedirectionSAP instance.