White Papers

Virtual Media Profile
Version 1.0.0a 23
7.8 State Management of a Virtual Media Service (Optional)
The following sections describe the CIM elements and behaviors that allow the client to determine
whether state management of the Virtual Media Service is supported.
Support for managing the state of a Virtual Media Service is optional behavior. The following sections
describe the CIM elements and behaviors that allow the client to determine whether state management of
the Virtual Media Service is supported.
7.8.1 Virtual Media Service State Management Is Supported—Conditional
This section describes the CIM elements and behaviors that shall be implemented when state
management of the Virtual Media Service is supported. CIM_USBRedirectionCapabilities
n state management of the Service is supported, exactly one instance of
CIM_USBRedirectionCapabilities shall be associated with the instance of
DCIM_OEMVirtualMediaService through an instance of CIM_ElementCapabilities.
The CIM_ElementCapabilities association's ManagedElement property shall reference the
DCIM_OEMVirtualMediaService instance, and its Capabilities property shall reference the
CIM_USBRedirectionCapabilities instance. CIM_USBRedirectionCapabilities.RequestedStatesSupported
The Re
questedStatesSupported property shall contain one or more of the following values: 2 (Enabled) or
3 (Disabled) or 6 (Offline). DCIM_OEMVirtualMediaService.RequestedState
n the DCIM_OEMVirtualMediaService.RequestStateChange(
) method is successfully invoked, the
value of the RequestedState property shall be the value of the RequestedState parameter. If the method
is not successfully invoked, the value of the RequestedState property is indeterminate.
The DCIM_OEMVirtualMediaService.RequestedState property shall have one of the values specified in
the CIM_USBRedirectionCapabilities.RequestedStatesSupported property or a value of 0 (Unknown). DCIM_OEMVirtualMediaService.EnabledState
The Enabl
edState property represents whether the virtual devices are attached to the system via the USB
bus or not. The EnabledState property shall have one of the following values: 0(Unknown), 2 (Enabled), 3
(Disabled), or 6 (Enabled but Offline).
If the EnabledState property has a value of 2 (Enabled), then virtual devices shall be attached to the
server and shall be recognized as valid USB Mass Storage devices. If the EnabledState property has a
value of 2 (Enabled), the associated CIM_USBRedirectionSAP.EnabledState property may have a value
2(Enabled) representing that the virtual media redirection can be initiated.
If the EnabledState property has a value of 3 (Disabled), then virtual devices shall be detached from the
server. If the EnabledState property has a value of 3 (Disabled), the associated
CIM_USBRedirectionSAP.EnabledState property shall not have a value 2(Enabled) representing that the
virtual media redirection cannot be initiated.
If the EnabledState property has a value of 6 (Enabled but Offline), then virtual devices may be attached
to and recognized by the server as valid USB Mass Storage devices representing that Virtual Media is in
an auto attach mode. If the EnabledState property has a value of 6 (Enabled but Offline), the associated
CIM_USBRedirectionSAP.EnabledState property may have a value 2(Enabled) representing that the
virtual media redirection can be initiated.