White Papers

54 Version 1.0.0a
10.1 CIM_RegisteredProfile
CIM_RegisteredProfile identifies the Virtual Media Profile in order for a client to determine whether an
instance of CIM_ComputerSystem conforms to this profile. The CIM_RegisteredProfile class is defined by
the Profile Registration Profile. With the exception of the mandatory values specified for the properties in
Table 28, the behavior of the CIM_Regi
steredProfile instance is in accordance with the Profile
Registration Profile.
Table 28 – Class: CIM_RegisteredProfile
Elements Requirement Notes
RegisteredName Mandatory
This property shall have a value of "Virtual Media".
RegisteredVersion Mandatory This property shall have a value of "1.0.0".
RegisteredOrganization Mandatory This property shall have a value of 1 (Other).
Mandatory This property shall have a value of "Dell”.
10.2 CIM_BindsTo
The CIM_BindsTo association is used to relate the CIM_USBRedirectionSAP instance to the
CIM_ProtocolEndpoint instance that represents the endpoint where USB Redirection SAP is available.
Table 29 contains the requirements for el
ements of this class.
Table 29 – Class: CIM_BindsTo
Elements Requirement Notes
Antecedent Mandatory
This property shall be a reference to an instance of the
CIM_TCPProtocolEndpoint class. See clause 7.10.
nality is "1".
Dependent Mandatory
This property shall be a reference to an instance of the
CIM_USBRedirectionSAP. See clause See section 7.10.
nality is "1..*".
10.3 CIM_ElementCapabilities Relating DCIM_OEMVirtualMediaService to
The CIM_ElementCapabilities association is used to relate an instance of
CIM_USBRedirectionCapabilities with an instance of DCIM_OEMVirtualMediaService. Table 30 contains
the requi
rements for elements of this class.
Table 30 – Class: CIM_ElementCapabilities Referencing DCIM_OEMVirtualMediaService
Elements Requirement Notes
ManagedElement Mandatory
This property shall be a reference to an instance of
DCIM_OEMVirtualMediaService. See section 7.2.3.
nality is "1..*".
Capabilities Mandatory
This property shall be a reference to an instance of
CIM_USBRedirectionCapabilities. See section 7.2.3.
nality is "0..1".