White Papers

32 Version 1.0.2
1. RebootJobType: when provided in the input parameters, creates a specific reboot job to
“PowerCycle” or
Graceful Reboot without forced shutdownor “Graceful Reboot with forced shutdown”.
This parameter only creates the RebootJob and does not schedule it.
ScheduledStartTime: When provided in the input parameters, schedules the “configuration job” and the
optional “reboot job” at the specified start time. A special value of “TIME_NOW” schedules the job(s)
UntilTime: This parameter has a dependency on “ScheduledStartTime”, together “ScheduledStartTime” and
UntilTime” define a time window for scheduling the job(s). Once scheduled, jobs will be executed within the
time window.
If CreateTargetedConfigJob method is executed without the 3 optional parameters discussed above, then
configuration job is created but not scheduled. However, this configuration job can be scheduled later using the
DCIM_JobService.SetupJobQueue () method from the “Job Control Profile”. DCIM_JobService.SetupJobQueue ()
can be executed to schedule several configuration jobs including the reboot job. Refer to “Job Control Profile” for
more details.
Return code values for the CreateTargetedConfigJob() method are specified in Table 23, and parameters
are specified in Table 24.
Subsequent calls to CreateTargetedConfigJob after the first CreateTargetedConfigJob will result in error
until the first job is completed."
Table 25 – CreateTargetedConfigJob() Method: Return Code Values
Value Description
0 Success
1 Not supported
2 Failed
4096 Job Created
Table 26 – CreateTargetedConfigJob() Method: Parameters
Qualifiers Name Type Description/Values
IN, REQ Target String
Shall be set to “
IN RebootJobType Uint16 Shall contain the requested reboot type:
1 - PowerCycle
2 - Graceful Reboot without forced shutdown
3 - Graceful Reboot with forced shutdown.
IN ScheduledStartTime String
Start time for the job execution in format:
The string "TIME_NOW" means immediate.
IN UntilTime String
End time for the job execution in format:
yyyymmddhhmmss. :
If this parameter is not NULL, then
ScheduledStartTime parameter shall also be
ob REF
Reference to the newly created pending value
application job.
OUT MessageID String Error MessageID
OUT Message String Error Message
OUT MessageArguments[] String Error MessageArguments