White Papers

Version 1.1.0 37
Note that URIs in this section are in form of WBEM URIs for WinRM
. 513
9.1 Discovery of BIOS and Boot profile support 514
Use one of the two procedures below to confirm the existence of BIOS and Boot profile support 515
A) GET the DCIM_LCRegisteredProfile instance using an InstanceID of 516
DCIM:BIOSandBootManagement:1.0.0. See section 3.14 for a definition of GET. 517
Instance URI: 518
dBootManagement:1.0.0 521
Results for the InstanceID of DCIM:BIOSandBootManagement:1.0.0 shown below. If no instance 523
is returned, the profile is not supported. 524
DCIM_LCRegisteredProfile 525
AdvertiseTypeDescriptions = WS-Identify, Interop Namespace 526
AdvertiseTypes = 1, 1 527
InstanceID = DCIM:BIOSandBootManagement:1.0.0 528
OtherRegisteredOrganization = DCIM 529
RegisteredName = BIOS and Boot Management 530
RegisteredOrganization = 1 531
RegisteredVersion = 1.0.0 532
B) ENUMERATE the CIM_RegisteredProfile class. See section 3.13 for a definition of 534
Class URI: 536
schema/2/CIM_RegisteredProfile?__cimnamespace=root/interop 538
Then query the result for the following properties: 539
RegisteredName = BIOS and Boot Management, OtherRegisteredOrganization = DCIM, 540
RegisteredVersion = 1.0.0 541
9.2 Inventory of BIOS attributes in system 542
ENUMERATE the DCIM_BIOSEnumeration class to view all available instances of the class. 543
For the class and general instance URI structure, see section 544
Class URI: 545
schema/2/DCIM_BIOSEnumeration?__cimnamespace=root/dcim 547
The instance information of all available BIOS attributes will be returned 548