White Papers

38 Version 1.1.0
9.3 Get the first BIOS attribute’s information 549
The URI for getting particular instance information is deterministic (i.e the InstanceID will be 550
unique for each instance) 551
For the first BIOS attribute in the system, the instance URI will be: 552
1:MemTest 555
The instance of DCIM_BIOSEnumeration that contains the information on the first BIOS attribute 556
will be returned 557
9.4 Setting BIOS attributes 558
A) ENUMERATE the DCIM_BIOSEnumeration class as shown in section 9.2 and identify 559
the applicable instances 560
B) Confirm the IsReadOnly field is set to false 561
C) To invoke the SetAttribute() or SetAttributes() method, extract the instance information 562
from A) and construct the input parameters per Table 24 563
D) INVOKE the SetAttribute() or SetAttributes() method 564
Class URI: 565
+Name=DCIM:BIOSService 569
E) Examine output parameters per Table 23. 570
F) Apply the pending values (Section 9.5) 571
G) Repeat A) to confirm successful execution of the method 572
9.5 Apply pending values 573
A) To invoke the CreateTargetedConfigJob( ) method, construct input parameters per Table 574
26 and use the BIOS FQDD from section 9.2 575
B) INVOKE CreateTargetedConfigJob( ) method 577
Class URI: 578
+Name=DCIM:BIOSService 582
C) Allow several minutes for the UEFI to execute the SSIB task, which will be followed by a 583
reboot of the system 584
D) Query the status of the jobID output using the job control profile methods 585