White Papers

Version 1.1.0 39
9.6 Delete pending values 586
A) To invoke the DeletePendingConfiguration( ) method, construct input parameters per 587
Table 28 and use the BIOS FQDD from section 9.2 588
B) INVOKE DeletePendingConfiguration( ) method 589
Class URI: 590
+Name=DCIM:BIOSService 594
C) If the return parameters indicate success, per Table 27, no further action necessary 595
9.7 Inventory of boot configurations in system 596
ENUMERATE the DCIM_BootConfigSetting class to view all available instances of the class. 597
For the class and general instance URI structure, see section section 598
Class URI: 599
schema/2/DCIM_BootConfigSetting?__cimnamespace=root/dcim 601
The instance information of all available boot configurations will be returned 602
9.8 Get the first boot configuration’s information 603
The URI for getting particular instance information is deterministic (i.e the InstanceID will be 604
unique for each instance) 605
For the first boot configuration in the system, the instance URI will be: 606
schema/2/DCIM_BootConfigSetting?__cimnamespace=root/dcim+InstanceID=IPL 608
The instance of DCIM_BootConfigSetting that contains the information on the first boot 609
configuration will be returned 610
9.9 Inventory of boot sources in system 611
ENUMERATE the DCIM_BootSourceSetting class to view all available instances of the class. 612
For the class and general instance URI structure, see section section 613
Class URI: 614
schema/2/DCIM_BootSourceSetting?__cimnamespace=root/dcim 616
The instance information of all available boot sources will be returned 617
9.10 Changing boot order by instance 618
A) ENUMERATE the DCIM_BootConfigSetting class as shown in 9.7 and identify the 619
ElementName field containing BootSeq and corresponding InstanceID (IPL or UEFI) 620