White Papers

Active Directory® Client Profile
Version 2.0.0a 11
6.2 Methodology
Active Directory client implementations may perform discovery and sear
server in different ways. Some use only the dhcp servers to retrieve domain controllers, with the root
domain as a starting point. Others connect to pre-configured Domain Con
ches on the Active Directory
trollers, each containing a single
ms (LACS), or only the
resents the
s are
irements for Active Directory client support extended and standard
e Active Directory client.
MActiveDirectoryGroup class derived from the CIM_Group class.
Instance(s) of DCIM_OEMActiveDirectoryGroup shall be associated with the Scoping Instance through
DCIM_OEMActiveDirectoryCapabilities shall be associated with the DCIM_OEMActiveDirectoryService
instance(s) through CIM_ElementCapabilities instance and used for advertising the capabilities of the
DCIM_OEMActiveDirectoryService instance.
domain. Search algorithms may use LDAP-enabled Access Control Subsyste
extension objects. The DCIM_OEMActiveDirectoryCapabilities.Methodology property rep
methodology used. .
7 Implementation Requirements
Requirements and guidelines for propagating and formulating certain properties of the classe
discussed in this section. Methods are listed in section 8 and properties are listed in section 10.
7.1 DCIM_OEMActiveDirectoryService
At least one DCIM_OEMActiveDirectoryService instance shall be instantiated.
7.2 Extended and Standard Schema Support
The following section includes requ
schemas. The DCIM_OEMActiveDirectoryService.SchemaType property shall indicate the current
authentication schema used by th
7.2.1 Extended Schema
If the extended schema is used for Active Directory authentication, the
DCIM_OEMActiveDirectoryService.SchemaType property shall be set to 1 (Extended). If this property is
set to 1(Extended), the requirements included in this section shall apply.
The DCIM_OEMActiveDirectoryService.DeviceObjectDomain and
DCIM_OEMActiveDirectoryService.DeviceObjectName properties shall be mandatory.
7.2.2 Standard Schema
If the standard schema is used for Active Directory authentication, the
DCIM_OEMActiveDirectoryService.SchemaType property shall be set to 2 (Standard). If the
DCIM_OEMActiveDirectoryService.SchemaType property is set to 2 (Standard), the requirements
detailed in this section shall apply.
The Simple Identity Management Profile shall be implemented where the requirements for CIM_Group
class shall be applied to the DCIM_OE
There shall be at least one DCIM_OEMActiveDirectoryGroup instance. The
DCIM_OEMActiveDirectoryGroup instance(s) shall be associated with the CIM_Identity instance through
CIM_AssignedIdenity association.
7.3 DCIM_OEMActiveDirectoryCapabilities