White Papers

Active Directory® Client Profile
Version 2.0.0a 21
10.6 DCIM_OEMActiveDirectoryService
DCIM_OEMActiveDirectoryService is represents the Active Directory client.
Table 16 – Class: DCIM_OEMActiveDirectoryService
Properties and Methods Requirement Description
SystemCreationClassName Mandatory
CreationClassName Mandatory
SystemName Mandatory
Name Mandatory
RequestedState Mandatory
EnabledState Mandatory
ElementName Mandatory This property shall have value of "Active Directory
SchemaType Mandatory
RootDomain Conditional If the Methodology property of the associated
DCIM_OEMActiveDirectoryCapabilities property has
value of 2 (non-LACS - Domain Name Based), this
property shall be implemented.
DeviceObjectDomain Mandatory See section 7.2.
DeviceObjectName Mandatory See section 7.2.
AuthTimeout Mandatory
DomainControllerAddresses Conditional If the Methodology property of the associated
DCIM_OEMActiveDirectoryCapabilities property has
value of 4 (LACS - Domain Controller Based), this
property shall be implemented.
GlobalCatalogAddresses Optional
AutomaticTrustEnabled Conditional If the Methodology property of the associated
DCIM_OEMActiveDirectoryCapabilities property has
value of 4 (LACS - Domain Controller Based), this
property shall be implemented.
RequestStateChange( ) Conditional See section 8.1.
10.7 CIM_RegisteredProfile
The CIM_RegisteredProfile class is defined by the Profile Registration Profile. The requirements shown in
Table 17 are additional to those mandated by the Profile Registration Profile.
Table 17 – Class: CIM_RegisteredProfile
Properties Requirement Description
RegisteredName Mandatory
This property shall have a value of “Active Directory
RegisteredVersion Mandatory This property shall have a value of “2.0.0”.
RegisteredOrganization Mandatory This property shall have a value of 1 (Other).
OtherRegisteredOrganization Mandatory This property shall match “DCIM”