White Papers

Active Directory® Client Profile
26 Version 2.0.0a
"property allows the third party authentication service on "
"the manged system to find the corresponding Active Directory "
"object within the domain specified by the DeviceObjectDomain "
"property. This property is relevant when SchemaType "
"property has value 1 (\"Extended\").")]
string DeviceObjectName;
[Description (
"Time out period represents the maximum time period that is "
"allowed for the managed system to try to authenticate with "
"Active Directory service before timing out. ")]
datetime AuthTimeout;
[Description (
"DomainControllerAddress represents the IPv4 or "
"host name of the domain controller.\n "
"The maximum length of this property array shall be the value of "
"the NumberOfDomainControllersSupported of the associated "
"DCIM_OEMActiveDirectoryCapabilities instance, if the "
"NumberOfDomainControllersSupported is not equal to 0.\n "
"If the EnabledState property has value 2(\"Enabled\") and the "
"Methodology property of the associated "
"DCIM_OEMActiveDirectoryCapabilities property has value 4 "
"(LACS - Domain Controller Based), then "
"DomainControllerAddresses shall contain at least one non-NULL, "
"non-blank value. "),
ModelCorrespondence {
string DomainControllerAddresses[];
[Description (
"GlobalCatalogAddress represents the IPv4 address or "