White Papers

Active Directory® Client Profile
28 Version 2.0.0a
"based solely on the domain and object name information, and "
"does not utilize LACS - LDAP-enabled Access Control Subsystem.\n "
"3 (\"non-LACS - Domain Controller Based\") value identifies "
"that the Active Directory client is going to utilize search "
"mechanism based on the domain and object name information as "
"well as Domain Controller information, and does not utilize "
"LACS - LDAP-enabled Access Control Subsystem.\n "
"4 (\"LACS - Domain Controller Based\") value identifies that "
"the Active Directory client is going to utilize search "
"mechanism based on the domain and object name information as "
"well as Domain Controller information, and also utilizes LACS - "
"LDAP-enabled Access Control Subsystem. "),
ValueMap { "2", "3", "4" },
Values { "Non-LACS - Domain Name Based",
"Non-LACS - Domain Name/Controller Based",
"LACS - Domain Controller Based"}]
uint16 Methodology;
[Description (
"NumberOfDomainControllersSupported shall represent the number "
"of Domain Controller servers allowed to specified for Active "
"Directory client. This property represents maximum length of the "
"DCIM_OEMActiveDirectoryService.DomainControllerAddresses "
"property array. The value 0 shall mean \"Unknown\"."),
ModelCorrespondence {
uint16 NumberOfDomainControllersSupported;
[Description (
"NumberOfGlobalCatalogsSupported shall represent the number "
"of Domain Controller servers allowed to specified for Active "
"Directory client. This property represents maximum length of the "