White Papers

30 Version 1.3.3
Table 34 – DCIM_LCService.ExportLCLog() Method: Return Code Values
Value Description
1 Method is unsupported.
2 Error occurred
4096 Job started: REF returned to started CIM_ConcreteJob
Table 35 – DCIM_LCService.ExportLCLog() Method: Parameters
Qualifiers Name Type Description/Values
IN, REQ IPAddress string The IP address of the target export server
IN, REQ ShareName string The directory path to the mount point
IN, REQ FileName string The target output file name
IN ShareType uint16
Type of share: NFS=0, CIFS=2
IN Username String Username for the target export server
IN Password String Password for the target export server
IN Workgroup String The applicable workgroup
Returned to keep track of config job status
OUT MessageID String
Error Message ID- can be used to index into
Dell Message registry files
OUT Message String
Error Message in English corresponding to
MessageID is returned if the method fails to
OUT MessageArguments string[]
Substitution variables for dynamic error