White Papers

Version 1.1.0 11
7 Implementation Requirements
Requirements and guidelines for propagating and formulating certain properties of the classes are
discussed in this section.
7.1 DCIM_OSDeploymentService
One instance of DCIM_OSDeploymentService shall be instantiated.
7.1.1 ElementName
The value of ElementName shall be formulated using the following pattern:
ElementName = “OSD”
7.2 CIM_ConcreteJob
At most one instance of CIM_ConcreteJob shall be instantiated. An instance of CIM_ConcreteJob may be
returned as an output parameter for all the extrinsic methods supported by DCIM_OSDeploymentService
7.2.1 Name
The value of Name shall be formulated using the following pattern:
Name = “DCIM_OSDeploymentService.ExtrinsicMethodName”, ex: Name=”UnpackAndAttach”
CIM_ConcreteJob reference returned as an output of DCIM_OSDeploymentService.UnpackAndAttach,
shall have the following Name:
CIM_ConcreteJob.Name = “UnpackAndAttach”
CIM_ConcreteJob reference returned as an output of DCIM_OSDeploymentService.UnpackAndShare,
shall have the following Name:
CIM_ConcreteJob.Name = “UnpackAndShare”.
CIM_ConcreteJob reference returned as an output of DCIM_OSDeploymentService.BootToNetworkISO,
shall have the following Name:
CIM_ConcreteJob.Name = “BootToNetworkISO”.
7.2.2 JobStatus
The value of the JobStatus, a free form string, property shall be one of the entries in Table 2
Table 2 – JobStatus
Job Name JobStatus JobStatus Description
“UnpackAndAttach” Processing Driver Pack
Extracting drivers, creating dynamic
partition, copying drivers, and attaching
the partition as a USB device to the host.
“UnpackAndAttach” Success Successfully executed the method.
“UnpackAndAttach” Failed
Failed to execute the method, refer to
MessageID and Message properties of
the DCIM_OSDConcreteJob instance for
detailed information.
“UnpackAndShare” Processing Driver Pack
Extracting drivers and copying drivers to