White Papers

C) Examine output parameters per Table 5
D) Apply the pending values (Section Error! Reference source not found.) using the FQDD
btained from Section Error! Reference source not found.
E) Allow several minutes for the UEFI to execute the SSIB task, which will be followed by an
automatic reboot of the system
F) Confirm successful execution of the method by listing the virtual disks and physical disks, per
Section Error! Reference source not found. and Section Error! Reference source not
und., respectively. No virtual disks should be displayed and all physical disk HotSpareStatus
attributes should be set to „0‟
9.17 Encrypt a virtual disk
A) To invoke the SetControllerKey() method, construct input parameters per Table 33 and use
the FQDD from Section Error! Reference source not found.
B) INVOKE SetControllerKey() method
Class URI:
C) To invoke the LockVirtualDisk() method, construct input parameters per Table 36 and use the
virtual disk FQDD from Section Error! Reference source not found.
D) INVOKE LockVirtualDisk() method
Class URI:
E) Apply the pending values (Section Error! Reference source not found.) using the FQDD
btained from Section Error! Reference source not found.
F) Allow several minutes for the UEFI to execute the SSIB task, which will be followed by an
automatic reboot of the system
10 CIM Elements
Table 43 shows the instances of CIM Elements for this profile. Instances of the CIM Elements shall be
implemented as described in Table 43. Sections 7.1 (“Implementation Requirements” and “Methods”) may
impose additional requirements on these elements.