White Papers

Version 1.0.0 25
9.2 Inventory of NICs in system
ENUMERATE the DCIM_NICView class to view all available instances of the class
Class URI:
The instance information of all available NICs will be returned
9.3 Get the first NIC’s information
The URI for getting particular instance information is deterministic (i.e the InstanceID will be
unique for each instance)
For the first NIC in the system, the instance URI will be:
The instance of DCIM_NICView that contains the information on the first NIC will be returned
9.4 List all NIC attributes
ENUMERATE the DCIM_NICAttribute class to view all available attributes and possible values of
all NICs
Class URI:
9.5 Setting attributes
A) ENUMERATE the DCIM_ NICAttribute class as shown in section 9.4 and identify the
applicable instance
B) Confirm the IsReadOnly field is set to false
C) To invoke the SetAttribute() or SetAttributes() method, extract the instance information
from A) and construct the input parameters per Table 19 or Table 21 SetAttributes()
Method: Parameters
D) INVOKE the SetAttribute() or SetAttributes() method
Class URI:
E) Examine output parameters per Table 18 or Table 20.
F) Apply the pending values, per section 9.6, using the FQDD obtained from C)
G) Repeat A) to confirm successful execution of the method