White Papers

Version 1.2.3 21
7.2 NIC CapabilitiesDCIM_NICCapabilities 429
This section describes the implementation for the DCIM_NICCapabilities class. 430
This class shall be instantiated in the Implementation Namespace: root/dcim. 431
7.2.1 Resource URIs for WinRM
The class Resource URI shall be “http://schemas.dell.com/wbem/wscim/1/cim-433
The key property shall be the InstanceID. 435
The instance Resource URI for DCIM_NICCapabilities instance shall be: 436
schema/2/DCIM_NICCapabilities?__cimnamespace=root/dcim+InstanceID=<FQDD>” 438
7.2.2 Operations 439
The following table lists the implemented operations on DCIM_NICCapabilities. 440
Table 10 – DCIM_NICCapabilities - Operations 441
Operation Name
Required Input
Instance URI
Class URI
7.2.3 Class Properties 443
The following table lists the implemented properties for DCIM_NICCapabilities instance representing a 444
NIC in a system. The “Requirements” column shall denote whether the property is implemented (for 445
requirement definitions, see section 3). The Additional Requirements” column shall denote either 446
possible values for the property, or requirements on the value formulation. 447
Table 11 – DCIM_NICCapabilities - Properties 448
Property Name Requirement Type Requirement and description
BPESupport Mandatory uint8
The property shall represent the BPE
support for a NIC port.
CongestionNotification Mandatory uint8
The property shall represent congestion
notification support for a NIC port.
DCBExchangeProtocol Mandatory uint8
The property shall represent DCB Exchange
protocol support for a NIC port.
ETS Mandatory uint8
The property shall represent Enhanced
Transmission Selection support for a NIC
EVBModesSupport Mandatory uint8
The property shall represent EVB - Edge
Virtual Bridging modes support for a NIC
EnergyEfficientEthernet Mandatory uint8
The property shall represent energy efficient
ethernet support for a NIC port.
FCoEBootSupport Mandatory uint8
The property shall represent FCoE boot
support for a NIC port.