White Papers

Version 1.2.3 23
Property Name Requirement Type Requirement and description
RXFlowControl Mandatory uint8
The property shall represent RX flow control
support for a NIC port.
RemotePHY Mandatory uint8
The property shall represent remote PHY
support for a NIC port.
TCPChimneySupport Mandatory uint8
The property shall represent TCP Chimney
support for a NIC port.
TXBandwidthControlMaximum Mandatory uint8
The property shall represent open flow
support for a NIC partition.
TXBandwidthControlMinimum Mandatory uint8
The property shall represent open flow
support for a NIC partition.
TXFlowControl Mandatory uint8
The property shall represent TX flow control
support for a NIC partition.
VEBVEPAMultiChannel Mandatory uint8
The property shall represent VEB-VEPA
(Virtual Ethernet Bridging and Virtual
Ethernet Port Aggregator) multi channel for
NIC port.
VEBVEPASingleChannel Mandatory uint8
The property shall represent VEB-VEPA
(Virtual Ethernet Bridging and Virtual
Ethernet Port Aggregator) - single channel
support for a NIC port.
VFSRIOVSupport Mandatory uint8
The property shall represent for Virtual
Function of Single Root I/O Virtualization
support for a NIC port.
VirtualLinkControl Mandatory uint8
The property shall represent virtual link
control support for a NIC partition.
WOLSupport Mandatory uint8
The property shall represent Wake-On-LAN
support for a NIC port.
iSCSIBootSupport Mandatory uint8
The property shall represent iSCSI boot
support for a NIC port.
iSCSIOffloadSupport Mandatory uint8
The property shall represent iSCSI offload
support for a NIC port.
uEFISupport Mandatory uint8
The property shall represent UEFI support
for a NIC port.
7.3 NIC StatisticsDCIM_NICStatistics 449
This section describes the implementation for the DCIM_NICStatistics class. 450
This class shall be instantiated in the Implementation Namespace:root/dcim. 451
7.3.1 Resource URIs for WinRM
The class Resource URI shall be “http://schemas.dell.com/wbem/wscim/1/cim-453
The key property shall be the InstanceID. 455
The instance Resource URI for DCIM_NICStatistics instance shall be: 456
schema/2/DCIM_NICStatistics?__cimnamespace=root/dcim+InstanceID=<FQDD>” 458
7.3.2 Operations 459
The following table lists the implemented operations on DCIM_NICStatistics. 460