Concept Guide

Document 365/385
EEMI: The Event and Error Message Information is available in a reference guide which lists the messages in
the user interface, command-line interface, and log files. Messages are displayed or stored as a result of user
action, automatic event occurrence, or for data logging purposes.
MRD Metric Report Definition
FQDD Fully Qualified Device Descriptor
1.2 Prerequisites
The Custom Telemetry feature is available on iDRAC9 firmware version or above and requires
Datacenter license.
2 Configuring Basic Telemetry
Telemetry configuration allows you to configure telemetry data streaming content and behavior. It includes
settings to enable Telemetry Service and settings specific to each available report. Enabling or disabling
Telemetry Service enables or disables telemetry streaming for all reports. By default, the Telemetry Service
and all pre-canned reports are disabled. Once enabled, the telemetry reports are sent to connected Redfish
clients using the HTTPS protocol.
The Telemetry Service details can be obtained from HTTP GET of top-level Telemetry URI -
/redfish/v1/TelemetryService. The details include the current service status and the supported URIs and OEM
Dell specific information such as currently active FQDDs and Sources for the metric values.
The basic steps involved in getting started with telemetry steaming with the included pre-canned reports are:
1. Enabling telemetry service
2. Configuring report streaming content and behavior
3. Configuring report triggers (optional)
4. Subscribing to the telemetry reports
5. Receiving Telemetry reports (outside iDRAC).
For creating custom reports with desired metrics and other advanced telemetry streaming behavior setting
please refer to section 2.5
Enable Telemetry Service
To view current Telemetry Service state enter following HTTP command.
curl -s -k -u <user>:<password> -X GET https://<IDRAC-IP>//redfish/v1/TelemetryService
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
To enable Telemetry Service:
curl -s -k -u <user>:<password> -X PATCH https://<IDRAC-IP>//redfish/v1/TelemetryService