White Papers

22 Version 1.1.0
The instance information of all available iDRAC cards will be returned
9.3 Get the first iDRACCard’s information
The URL for getting particular instance information is deterministic (i.e the InstanceID will be
unique for each instance)
For the first iDRAC card in the system, the instance URL will be:
The instance of DCIM_IDRACCardView that contains the information on the first iDRAC card will
be returned
9.4 List all iDRAC Card Attributes
ENUMERATE the DCIM_iDRACCardAttribute class to view all available attributes and possible
values of all iDRACCard’s Class URI:
9.5 Setting iDRACCard attributes
A) ENUMERATE the DCIM_ iDRACCardAttribute class as shown in section 9.2 and identify the
applicable instance
B) Confirm the IsReadOnly field is set to false
C) To invoke the ApplyAttributes() method, extract the instance information from A) and construct
the input parameters per Table 19 or Table 21 ApplyAttributes() Method: Parameters
D) INVOKE the ApplyAttributes() method
Class URI:
E) Examine output parameters per Table 21 to ensure a Job is created.
F) Use the Job id from step E to Enumerate the LifeCycleJob to see the status of the job
G) When the Job status shows complete Repeat A) to confirm successful setting of the attribute
10 CIM Elements
No additional details specified.