White Papers

Version 1.0.0 5
Base Server and Physical Asset Profile 95
1 Scope 96
The Base Server Profile is the autonomous profile that defines the classes used to describe basic server 97
hardware and its related software. The scope of this profile is limited to simple servers that are directly 98
realized in physical components. The profiles referenced by the Base Server Profile extend the 99
management capabilities by adding the capability to represent server configuration, boot control, 100
provisioning, and hardware. 101
2 Normative References 102
Refer to the following documents for more information. 103
NOTE: For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of 104
the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. 105
DMTF DSP1033, Profile Registration Profile 1.0.0 106
DMTF DSP1004, Base Server Profile 1.0.0 107
DMTF DSP1011, Physical Asset Profile 1.0.0 108
Dell Lifecycle Controller Best Practices Guide 1.0, 109
http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/extras/m/white_papers/20066173.aspx 110
Dell WSMAN Licenses and Privileges 1.0 111
DMTF DSP0226, Web Services for Management (WS-Management) Specification 1.1.0 112
DMTF DSP0227, WS-Management CIM Binding Specification 1.0.0 113
Dell SMBIOS Implementation Specification 2.0 114
Dell Lifecycle Controller Best Practices Guide v1.0, <link TBD> 115
Dell Tech Center MOF Library: http://www.delltechcenter.com/page/DCIM.Library.MOF 116
Related Managed Object Format (MOF) files: 117
o DCIM_ComputerSystem.mof 118
o DCIM_ComputerSystemPackage.mof 119
o DCIM_Chassis.mof 120
o DCIM_SystemComponent.mof 121
o DCIM_CSEnabledLogicalElementCapabilities.mof 122
o DCIM_CSElementCapabilities.mof 123
o DCIM_RegisteredProfile.mof 124
o DCIM_ElementConformsToProfile.mof 125
o DCIM_LCRegisteredProfile.mof 126
o DCIM_LCElementConformsToProfile.mof 127