White Papers

32 Version 1.5.0
Table 40DCIM_LCService.DeleteAutoDiscoveryServerPublicKey() Method: Return Code Values 500
Value Description
0 Request was successfully executed.
2 Error occurred
Table 41DCIM_LCService.DeleteAutoDiscoveryServerPublicKey() Method: Parameters 501
Qualifiers Name Type Description/Values
OUT MessageID String
Error Message ID may be used to look-up in
the Dell Message registry files. For more
information, see Error Message Registry.
OUT Message String
Error Message in English corresponding to
MessageID is returned if the method fails to
OUT MessageArguments[] string
Substitution variables for dynamic error
Table 42DCIM_LCService.DeleteAutoDiscoveryServerPublicKey() Method: Standard Messages 502
MessageID (OUT parameter) Message MessageArguments[]
General failure
8.12 DCIM_LCService.InsertCommentInLCLog() 504
The InsertCommentInLCLog() method is used to insert additional user comments into the Lifecycle 505
Controller log. 506
Table 43 – DCIM_LCService.InsertCommentInLCLog() Method: Return Code Values 507
Value Description
0 Request was successfully executed.
2 Error occurred
Table 44 – DCIM_LCService.InsertCommentInLCLog() Method: Parameters 508
Qualifiers Name Type Description/Values
IN, REQ Comment string
This parameter holds the text that shall be
inserted into the LC log Comment field.
OUT MessageID string
Error Message ID may be used to look-up in
the Dell Message registry files. For more
information, see Error Message Registry.
OUT Message string
Error Message in English corresponding to
MessageID is returned if the method fails to
OUT MessageArguments[] string
Substitution variables for dynamic error