White Papers

12 Version 1.0.0
7.2 DCIM_CSPowerManagementCapabilities - Power Management Capabilities 259
This section describes the implementation for the DCIM_CSPowerManagementCapabilities class. 260
This class is instantiated in the Implementation Namespace. 261
7.2.1 Resource URIs 262
The class Resource URI is 263
schema/2/DCIM_CSPowerManagementCapabilities?__cimnamespace=root/dcim” 265
The key property is the InstanceID. 266
The instance Resource URI for DCIM_CSPowerManagementCapabilities instance is: 267
“http://schemas.dell.com/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/DCIM_ 268
PowerManagementCapabilities?__cimnamespace=root/dcim+InstanceID= DCIM:pwrmgtcap1” 269
7.2.2 Operations 270
The following table lists the operations implemented on DCIM_CSPowerManagementCapabilities. 271
Table 5 – DCIM_CSPowerManagementCapabiltites - Operations 272
Operation Name
Required Input
Instance URI
Class URI
7.2.3 Class Properties 273
The following table lists the implemented properties for DCIM_CSPowerManagementCapabiltites 274
instance in a system. The “Requirements” column shall denote whether the property is implemented (for 275
requirement definitions, see section 3). The Additional Requirements” column shall denote either 276
possible values for the property, or requirements on the value formulation. 277
Table 6 – DCIM_CSPowerManagementCapabiltites - Properties 278
Property Name Requirement Type Additional Requirement
InstanceID Mandatory string The property value shall be “DCIM:pwrmgtcap1
PowerChangeCapabilities Mandatory[] uint16
This property value shall have the following
array of values:
[3 (Power State Settable), 4 (Power Cycling
Supported), 7 (HW Reset Supported), 8
(Graceful Shutdown Supported)] depend on
PowerStatesSupported ]
ElementName Mandatory String
The property value shall be “Power
Management Capabilities”